Hello and welcome to my Master Degree Diploma!
The task of my master diploma "Mieszkanie 1+1=3" / "A flat 1+1=3", was to find a flat up to 40m2, which after deep analyze I have made a project of it in 4 different life’s situations. A choosen variants are: project of a flat for a single person, then for a couple, next one is for a couple with a newborn baby, and the last is for a couple, whose child has grown. All 4 versions are based on 1 choosen flat, which after detailed analyze I have changed, e.g. a wall system, and it is fine for every situation, with a care for a comfort in each one. A project has been made to show that a small flat, which is properly designed from the very begining, can be a perfect fit similarly for a single, couple or couple with a toddler, even when the child will grow up and will need its own space. That is made with the idea of spending money as low as it is only possible while changing and matching the space to its residents, which is so important on such a small flat.
Firstly I would like to show You visualizations (each frame is in 4 variants): ​​​​​​​
Then, 4 visualizations of 4th stage with converted living room into a bedroom for parents (while night time):
And how my wall chart looked during thesis defense: 
Finally I would like You to see my short video that showes changes:
Thank You for your time, I hope You liked it!
Kamil Żarnoch
promoter: prof. dr hab. Remigiusz Grochal
assistant: mgr Beniamin Straszewski
lab: II Pracownia Architektury Wnętrz 
in Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, 2022

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